Welcome to CIRAAI

Cyber Insurance Risk Assessment Company!

We are a cutting-edge startup company specializing in using artificial intelligence and machine learning to help businesses, brokers and insurance providers help manage their cyber insurance needs.

Our Mission

Empower businesses to assess their Cybersecurity risk posture.

Our mission is to empower businesses with the assessment tools and risk-based understanding that they need to protect their business-critical functions and assets from Cyber threats. With our advanced AI-powered risk assessment platform, we provide comprehensive Cybersecurity risk assessment to help identify and obtain the most appropriate Cyber insurance coverage for businesses.

We understand that every business is unique, and we work closely with our clients to understand their specific Cybersecurity challenges and develop customized risk assessment and mitigation strategy that meets their Cybersecurity insurance goals.

CIRAAI Services

We offer a range of Cybersecurity risk assessment services

CIRAAI offers a range of Cybersecurity risk assessments related services that are designed to meet the specific needs of businesses of all sizes.


For clients who are completely new to Cyber risk assessments, we provide level 1 support services to complete customized Cybersecurity risk assessment on CIRAAI platform.

This will help businesses understand their current Cybersecurity risk posture and insurance needs.


For clients who have completed their initial Cyber risk assessment, we help develop a customized mitigation strategy that will address their Cyber risks.

With this level 2 strategy service, businesses receive a delivery plan to improve their Cybersecurity risk posture and help procure the most appropriate Cybersecurity insurance cover from market leading insurance providers.


For clients who understand their Cyber risk profile, but do not have the mechanisms, knowledge, tools or resources to mitigate those risks, we help execute their Cyber risk mitigation strategy.

With this level 3 strategy delivery service businesses could improve their Cybersecurity risk posture and ultimately reduce their Cyber insurance costs.